- Register sites of significance, sacred sites, story places with the QLD Cultural Heritage Register
- Develop management plans for cultural heritage sites
- Implement management plans for cultural heritage sites
- Be the first point of contact for Aboriginal cultural heritage matters
- Reinforce the cultural protocols of the clans
- Develop and Maintain Cultural Heritage Agreements
- Provide welcome to country services
- Provide cultural awareness information as required
The QLD Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003
Defines Aboriginal cultural heritage as anything that is:
a significant Aboriginal area in Queensland
Or a significant Aboriginal object in Queensland
or evidence of archaeological or historic significance, of Aboriginal occupation of an area of Queensland
What is Cultural Heritage
Cultural HeritageĀ is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values.
Ipima Ikaya is working closely with elders to document significant sites in the region and record them in a cultural heritage database.
Land owners who are planning to build or develop anything on the land where native title exists are required to get cultural heritage clearances from the RNTBC before proceeding, the land holder will be required to pay traditional owners to conduct a cultural heritage survey, the process is managed by Ipima Ikaya to ensure that the correct people from the area conduct the cultural heritage work and in the correct manner, the cultural clearance paperwork will be attended to by the administration of Ipima Ikaya. Ipima Ikaya will advise the land holder of the cost involved in advance, costs will be in accordance with the schedule of fees.
When clearing of vegetation commences a cultural heritage monitor must be present at all times to ensure that machinery does not uncover and damage anything of cultural significance, a cultural monitor is all required when digging occurs. A cultural heritage monitor is required for each piece of machinery used in clearing vegetation or digging.
We provide cultural heritage surveying and monitoring services to agencies requiring cultural heritage clearances, fees are charged to the agency which are used to pay experienced traditional owners to conduct the work.